Swapping Important Files from Eudora to Outlook

Just in case anyone asks or is worried about losing their mailboxes and/or address books after receiving a new computer or migrating from Eudora to Outlook Express, here is a short procedure list to back up and re-import these files.


  1. Ceate a backup folder on a non-local drive (preferably K:)
  2. Copy the following files to this folder
    • nndbase.txt
    • descmap.pce
    • All .toc files (there will be one for each mailbox plus nndbase.toc)
    • All .mbx files (there will be one for each mailbox)
  3. This will back up all the mail received locally to date
  4. From Eudora:
    1. Go to Tools > Options > Incoming Mail Category
    2. Ensure Leave Mail on Server checkbox is checked
    3. Ensure neither sub-checkbox is checked
  5. This will ensure copies of mail received after backups are made will be saved

Importing them to Outlook Express

  1. Go to File > Import > Other Address book
  2. Select Eudora Pro (top option)
  3. Click Import
  4. You may receive an alert stating that the address book could not be automatically detected.
    • If so: Yes > Browse to backup folder
    • Select nndbase.txt
    • Click Import
  5. This will complete the import of Eudora’s address book
  6. Go to File > Import > Message
  7. Select Eudora Pro (top option)
  8. Click Next
  9. Click the Browse button
  10. Locate and select backup folder
  11. Click Ok
  12. Click Next
  13. Click the Select All Folders radio button (mailboxes should appear in small window.)
  14. Click Next
  15. This will complete the conversion and import of the Eudora mailboxes.