The Windows Update utility is used to keep your Windows computer up-to-date.


Q. What is Windows Update and why should I run it?

A. The Windows Update utility is used to keep your Windows computer up-to-date. We highly recommend that you run Windows Update and install any Critical Updates. These updates will close security holes in your computer and hopefully prevent you from being hacked or infected with viruses.

  1. Open Internet Explorer (this will not work with other browsers).
  2. Visit or go to Tools > Windows Update.
  3. Click on the Scan for updates link.
  4. After the scanning has completed click the Review and install updates link and then the Install Now button.

Note: By default, this will only select the Critical Updates and Service Packs, which will fix any security holes or major programming errors. If you wish to install any additional updates, such as Windows Software Updates or Driver Updates, select those by clicking on the appropriate heading on the left and then choose Add. Want to save some time?

We recommend you configure your computer to automatically download and install any Critical updates. Instructions for this configuration can be found at Automatic Update Feature in Windows