Requests for service will be handled according to an assigned priority and available staff resources.

Computing Service Priorities

Computing service priorities are based on the scope and severity of the problem. The type of service could be hardware or software. In the list below, a ‘failure’ in a system means it is unusable. A ‘problem’ in a system means it is still usable in some way.

  • Level One
    • Failures and problems affecting the greatest number of users, e.g., the multimedia classrooms, the student computing lab network, the faculty/staff network.
  • Level Two
    • A failure in an individual faculty or staff computer.
    • The installation of a computer for a new faculty or staff member.
  • Level Three
    • A problem in an individual faculty or staff computer. This would include problems with certain software programs.
    • The installation of a new computer or upgrading an existing one for a faculty or staff member.
  • Level Four
    • A failure in an individual student computing lab computer.
    • The installation of a new computer or upgrading an existing computer in the lab.
  • Level Five
    • A problem with an individual student computing lab computer.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestion, etc., about computing service priorities, please contact the Computing Services staff. Network and E-mail Policies Upon hiring, full time COM faculty/staff will get a NCSU Unity account, a COM network account, and COM-CS will set up an e-mail alias. Faculty will get a COM Pegasus Mail account and staff will get a GroupWise account. Upon hiring, part time COM