Nullam mollis pharetra odio, a pretium nulla vehicula a. Nam porta porttitor accumsan. Duis vel tortor magna. Sed fermentum congue ante a convallis. In lobortis semper nibh vel faucibus. Vivamus congue quam et tellus facilisis pretium. Fusce hendrerit consectetur rhoncus. Sed mattis sapien ac felis posuere ac venenatis leo viverra. Integer enim diam, sodales vel tristique ac, rutrum eu eros. Aenean at eros a elit porta ultrices fermentum vitae ipsum. Proin accumsan, purus semper mattis iaculis, risus urna ultricies purus, eu interdum mi nisl id sem. Vivamus tincidunt accumsan viverra. Vivamus porttitor mauris et nisi condimentum in pretium odio malesuada. Proin blandit, arcu sit amet porta posuere, elit turpis ultrices est, ac elementum ipsum ante ac ipsum. Mauris rutrum dolor vel lectus pharetra ut tempor nulla fringilla. Duis luctus ornare ultrices.
Permitted Usage (adjust this sample from Cadence to explain “Academic use” in general)
The University may use the Licensed Materials for non-commercial, not-for-profit educational purposes. Academic research using Cadence Software via the University Program must be limited to Fundamental Research. Cadence may evaluate a research project to determine whether it meets University Program requirements. “Fundamental Research” is basic or applied research in science and engineering, where the resulting information is ordinarily published and shared broadly within the scientific community. Such Fundamental Research can be distinguished from development, design, prototyping, production, and product utilization associated with proprietary research, industrial development or commercial purposes, where the results are ordinarily restricted for proprietary or business reasons. Licensee is expressly prohibited from using the Licensed Materials for commercial purposes.
SAS University Edition available
SAS is offering its new SAS University Edition, a free version of select SAS statistical software, to university students and researchers who want to perform quantitative analyses.
SAS University Edition, which includes Base SAS, SAS/STAT, SAS/IML, SAS/ACCESS, and SAS Studio, is recommended if you want to learn basic SAS skills, compile basic data, or have problems downloading the full SAS download. SAS University Edition offers a smaller download and runs via a Web browser on a stand-alone PC, Mac or Linux workstation. Once downloaded, you won’t need an Internet connection to use the software.
In this new suite of software, you also get tutorials and access to SAS Analytics U, an online community where you collaborate on projects and get resources for teaching and learning. To download the software or learn more about SAS offerings, visit SAS University Edition.