by wolftech | Feb 12, 2014 | Uncategorized
We have discovered a bug in the Opera browser when using the submit tool in WolfWare. For some unknown reason, Opera cannot upload files larger than a certain size over an SSL connection. If the file is too large for Opera to handle, it reports to the user that the...
by wolftech | Feb 12, 2014 | Uncategorized
What will Online Tools do for me? These resources are designed to place critical information or services at your disposal and to help you become as productive a computer user and member of the university as possible. What university resources are designed for me?...
by wolftech | Feb 12, 2014 | Uncategorized
Descriptions of WebAssign, WebCT, and WolfWare.WebAssign Allows students to submit homework, quizzes and tests from any computer that has a connection to the Internet and a Web browser. See the guides for students and faculty. WebCT Used to create course Web sites...
by wolftech | Feb 12, 2014 | Uncategorized
The login for Novell is a little more difficult than just clicking Ctrl-Alt-Del and then type your name and password. You’ll notice that even the Ctrl-Alt-Del Screen looks different. If you have already logged in successfully then you should be able to just type...
by wolftech | Feb 12, 2014 | Uncategorized
How do I schedule Norton AntiVirus update automatically? Q. How do I schedule Norton AntiVirus to download the latest virus definitions automatically? A. The Symantec Norton AntiVirus program has an update schedule tool that will allow you to automatically update your...
by wolftech | Feb 12, 2014 | Uncategorized
Running a network scanner is a major no-no on our campus. Occassionally, a legitimate reason will arise, but should it, you will need to work with me or risk suspension or removal of your EOS account. We (myself and the university) do notice when people run scans...