Mac OS X On-Site Licenses

This includes 10.3 aka Panther.

There is no free, site license for MacOS X at NC State. Departments and Units can order licenses at a greatly reduced cost from the UNCGA TAP VLA (see procedure below).

  1. To get MacOS X for an individual, home computer buy it for about $69 from the Apple Store for Education
  2. For Departments and Units at NC State University use the following proceedure to order from the TAP Volume License Agreement: #*Department, college, and research units may make orders by sending email to macos@remedy.ncsu.eduincluding a contact name, campus box, book keeper name, book keeper phone number, FAS, OUC and/or project numbers asking for the MacOS VLA. One year cost to units will be $20 without media and ITD will automatically bill each year after for $20 under the TAP VLA. Units wishing to discontinue the program after the program ends may remove the software or purchase a perpetual license for an additional $20 per seat. This program runs from October 30, 2001 to October 30, 2004 and we have the option to renew the contract.
    • Use the MacOS X VLA Form to submit your request.
  3. More information on purchace of MacOS X is at: