This article will give you the information to help you set up and use Outlook Express.

Setting up Outlook Express

To add an e-mail or newsgroups account You will need the following information from your Internet service provider (ISP) or local area network (LAN) administrator:

  • For e-mail accounts, the e-mail server you use is( IMAP), your account name and password, (the same name and password you use at work to login to your computer) the name of the incoming e-mail server and, for IMAP, the name of an outgoing e-mail server. (Incoming mail server : ex (Out going mail server
  • For a newsgroups account, you’ll need to know the name of the news server you want to connect to and, if required, your account name and password. (newsgroups is

1. On the Tools menu, click Accounts.

2. In the Internet Accounts dialog box, click Add.

3. Select either Mail or News to open the Internet Connection Wizard, and then follow the instructions to establish a connection with an e-mail or news server. Notes

  • Each user can create multiple e-mail or newsgroups accounts by repeating the procedure above for each account.
  • If you are configuring this at home you need to use the SMTP server provided by your ISP How to check Quotas One way you can check your IMAP quota is to go to the IMAP Usage Query page of Sysnews. To get to this page, go to: and login.

After logging in, click on the ‘E-Mail Tools’ link under System Tools on the right side of the page. Then click on the ‘IMAP Usage Query’ link. It will prompt you for your password. Then, it will display a list of all of the folders in your IMAP space along with how many messages are in each folder along with the actual size and percentage of your space that each folder is responsible for.

View a file attachment

  • In the preview pane, click the paper clip icon in the message header, and then click the file name. -or- At the top of the message window, double-click the file attachment icon in the message header. Notes
  • To save a file attachment, on the File menu, point to Save Attachments, and then click the file name. To save the attachment from the preview pane, click the paper clip icon, and then select Save Attachments.
  • When a message has a file attached to it, a paper clip icon is displayed next to it in the message list.

How do I attach a file to email

To insert a file into a message Click anywhere in the message window. On the Insert menu, click File Attachment, and then find the file you want to attach. Select the file, and then click Attach. The file is listed in the Attach box in the message header.

Note You can also add a text (*.txt) file into the body of your e-mail message by clicking the Insert menu and then clicking Text from File.

Managing e-mail messages with rules

When you have large volumes of incoming e-mail, Outlook Express can help you process it more efficiently. You can use rules in Outlook Express to automatically sort incoming messages into different folders, highlight certain messages in color, automatically reply to or forward certain messages, and do much more.

To create a rule for e-mail messages

1. On the Tools menu, point to Message Rules, and then click Mail. Message rules cannot be created for IMAP or HTTP e-mail accounts.

2. If this is the first rule you are creating, proceed to step 3. Otherwise, on the Mail Rules tab, click New and proceed to step 4.

3. Select the conditions for your rule by selecting the desired check boxes in the Conditions section. (You must select at least one condition.) You can specify multiple conditions for a single rule by selecting more than one check box. Click the and hyperlink in the Rule Description section to specify whether all of the rule conditions must be met before the specified action occurs (and), or whether at least one must be met (or).

4. Specify the actions for your rule by selecting the desired check boxes in the Actions section. (You must select at least one condition.)

5. Click the underlined hyperlinks in the Rule Description section to specify the conditions or actions for your rule. You can click contains people or contains specific words in the Rule Description section to specify the people or words you’d like Outlook Express to look for in messages. If you enter multiple people or multiple words per condition, use the Options button in the Select People or Type Specific Words dialog boxes to further customize the condition.

6. In the Name of the rule text box, select the default name or type a new name for your rule, and then click OK.


You can create a new rule by selecting an existing one on the Message Rules tab and clicking Copy. This is helpful when the new rule you want to create is similar to an existing one. You can create a rule from a message by selecting an e-mail message in the main window and then on the Message menu clicking Create Rule from Message. This helps by automatically filling in the name of the person on the From line; no other information from the message, however, is entered into the rule.

To change a rule

1. On the Tools menu, point to Message Rules, and then click Mail or News, depending on the type of rule you want to change.

2. Select the rule you want to change, and click Modify.

3. Make your changes in the Edit Rule dialog box, including renaming the rule, and then click OK. To apply a rule to downloaded messages

New rules you create for e-mail or news messages will be applied to new, incoming messages. To apply rules to messages that have already been downloaded to your computer, you can do the following:

1. On the Tools menu, point to Message Rules, and then click News or Mail, depending on whether you want to apply e-mail rules or news rules to downloaded messages.

2. In the Message Rules dialog box, click Apply Now.

3. Select the rules you want applied to messages that have already been downloaded, or click Select All to select all your current rules.

4. Click Browse to select the folders or newsgroups you want to apply the selected rules to. 5. Click Apply Now to apply the selected rules to the folders or newsgroups you designated.