You’ve just unpacked the new Mac. First things first – you’ll want to set the time zone, time, and create the first account.

Getting Started

I usually make the first account an admministrative one called ‘help’. If you already have an account, add the help acount now (make sure it is an administrative account). Hopefully DHCP has been set up. If not, configure the IP address, router, DNS, and netmask.

Software Update

From the dock select System Preferences->Software Update. If you are running Mac OS X Panther (10.3) you can get to Software Update from the Apple menu in the upper left hand corner. Install all the current updates and reboot. You may need to run Software Update multiple times (re-run it after you reboot to be sure).

Developer Tools

Download and install the Developer Tools (called XCode as of Panther) to get a compiler (gcc 3.3). If you are running 10.2 make sure you download the gcc-3.3 updater, as many applications such as the Fink require it. Please note that a Fortran compiler is not included. If you don’t have a Developer CD handy, create a login for the Apple Developer Connection (ADC). Once logged in, go to Download Software->Developer Tools and download the December 2002 Mac OS X Developer Tools, and the August 2003 gcc updater. Install the updater after the Developer Tools. If you are running Mac OS X Panther (10.3) download the Xcode Tools v1.1 and install. Run Software update afterwards. AFS See Everette Allen’s notes, but remember that it is based on Mac OS X 10.1. Mac OS X Panther (10.2) and Mac OS X Jaguar (10.3) have kerberos built in, so some steps are no longer necessary.

  1. Download conf.macosx.tar.gz and kauth.tar.gz from /afs/unity/lockers/project/netatalk/public/ to a temporary directory (your home directory is fine).
  2. Make sure your local UID matches your unity UID. You can check what your local UID is by running id with no arguments. To see what your unity UID is you can run host -c HS -t TXT your_unity_id.passwd.NS.EOS.NCSU.EDU. This will output some text and a line suitable for a passwd file. The number after the * is your unity UID.
    1. Create another user with admin priviledges and log in as this other user
    2. If your local UID does not match your unity UID edit it with Applications->Utilities->Net Info Manager (in Panther change the default group numeric ID for your user as well).
    3. Again with Net Info Manager, add an ncsu group with a numeric ID of 108.
    4. Using Applications->Utilities->Terminal run: chown -R your_uid:your_uid /Users/your_uid to recursively update the user and group permissions of your home directory to the new values.
    5. Log back in as the original user.
  3. Kerberos
    1. Uncompress and untar your conf.macosx.tar.gz file: tar zxvf conf.macosx.tar.gz
    2. Copy the config files into place: sudo cp confiles/ /Library/Preferences/
  4. OpenAFS
    1. Download the latest Mac OS X Jaguar (10.2) or Mac OS X Panther (10.3) release and install the package.
    2. Copy over the configuration files ThisCell and CellServDB from the conf.macosx.tar.gz compressed tarball to the appropriate location: sudo cp confiles/ThisCell confiles/CellServDB /var/db/openafs/etc/
  5. Aklog
    1. Download aklog (you may have to right-click and save), uncompress it, and place the binary in /usr/bin: gunzip aklog.gz sudo mv aklog /usr/bin/aklog
  6. Kauth
    1. Uncompress and untar kauth.tar.gz: tar zxvf kauth.tar.gz
    2. Move the kauth application bundle into the appropriate location: mv /Applications/Utilities/
    3. Create the file /Library/Preferences/edu.ncsu.graklog by doing the following: cat << EOF > /Library/Preferences/edu.ncsu.graklog EOF
  7. Restart.

Now every time you have a live network you can get your AFS tokens by running kAuth (you may want to place it in your dock for ease of use).


Apple’s Public Beta of X11 for Mac OS X Jaguar (10.2) is no longer available for download (though it can still be found in various places). If you do find it make sure to install both the application ( and the SDK ( application bundles. Users of Mac OS X Panther (10.3) can find the X11 application as an optional piece of the install, or on disc 3 if you’ve already completed an install. The SDK is found on the Xcode CD-ROM (disc 4). Both need to be installed.

Fink Project Home

  1. Download the 0.6.2 disk image.
  2. Double-click to mount the disk image if it is not already mounted.
  3. Double-click on the “Fink 0.6.2 Installer.pkg” package to install it.
  4. Run the following to update the package definitions to their latest versions: sudo fink scanpackages sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade
  5. To search for a precompiled binary package named foo run: apt-cache search foo
  6. To install a precompiled binary package named bar run: sudo apt-get install foo

In addition to precompiled binaries the fink provides locally compiled (on your machine) from source packages via the fink binary. These packages are often newer than the precompiled binaries. To use the source based installer perform the following steps:

  1. First update the package definitions like so: sudo fink selfupdate
  2. To search for a source package named baz run: fink apropos baz
  3. To install a source package named foo run: fink install foo Some useful fink packages (available via apt-get and fink) include gnupg and gnupg-idea, ethereal, nmap, etc. TeX Most CSC TeX users have installed TexShop and the i-Installer.

I’m of the personal belief that the i-Installer is unnecessary, as the Fink provides just anything TeX related that I know about. However, until someone verifies that here is what is required to get up and running with the i-Installer.

  1. Download the i-Installer disk image
  2. Double-click to mount the disk image (if not already mounted) and run the installer
  3. When the installer finishes you can eject/unmount the i-Installer disk image
  4. In the menu go to i-Package->Known Packages i-Directory
  5. Select the following packages (one at a time to start) and install:
    1. Tex
    2. Ghostscript 8
    3. CM Super for TeX
    4. For graphic conversions you need:
  • Freetype 2
  • wmv and iconv conversion support
  • ImageMagick
    1. You may also want various converters like TeX Support: TeX4ht, TeX Support: XMLTeX, and TeX Support: JadeTeX.
  1. Download the TeXShop disk image
  2. Double-click to mount the disk image (if not already mounted) and drag the TeXShop application and TeXShop_Folder to your /Applications directory.
  3. You can now eject/unmount the TeXShop disk image