Hardware Purchases
The availability of computers has skyrocketed in the past five years. One particular institution responsible for this explosion is the university. Encouraging students and professors to communicate via e-mail, using electronic gradebooks, providing free usage of computers, etc.
Considering the data network of NC State, it probably advantageous to make use of its resources. But, to ensure a higher caliber network, NC State must monitor the quality of the machines on its network. NC State makes minimum reccomendations for new computers for the advantage of its users and its network.
If you are planning on purchashing a new computer, printer, or other piece of technology to be used here on campus, it must meet or exceed all the minimun requirements given for a new purchase. If you are unsure or unaware of what these are, then just contact WolfTech and we can tell you wether or not your system will be acceptable. We can also tell you if there are going to be any major problems when your new devices get here.
Getting in touch with us before you do anything can save both yourself and us a major headache if something happens to go awry. We are here to help if something goes wrong, but we would rather head off potential problems before they affect you. We tend to get our fingers in all sorts of technology. We’d be happy to sit down with you and help plan any technology requirements and upgrades. Starting a project sometime? Planning for the future? Sure you are–there has to be something you feel like upgrading, modifying, or altering. Now, here’s the catch, if you do not know a great deal about the technology behind the system and the requirements of what you are about to get into, you need IT consulting on your project. The field of technology runs the gamut of topics. A great deal of people have neither the time nor energy to commit to learning a great deal about computers and their workings. This is where we can help. We are staffed to answer most any question you may have regarding technology in general, with experts in a variety of topics. We shall do our best to help you plan out your requirements, technology needs, and possible solutions which will fit your needs. And if we can not do so in house, our network of contacts within the University will lead to someone who can.
Research Grants
Provide boilerplate language which can be used in research grants that describe our capabilities.
“In preparing NSF proposal, usually we list available computing facilities, lab, etc.
So far, I’ve just listed my own PC, but it seems this is no longer the right way to do for NSF proposal (I got reviews pointing out this issue). When asking around other universities, it seem they all use some standard template listing all the available computing equipment (servers) available in their department or university in general.
I’m wondering if there is any information (or website) that shows such information, e.g., # of servers, their specification, available for ncsu faculties in general for their research. I searched on the Web and found some pages showing VCL, etc. but none of the pages shows detailed list of what kind of computing servers (and their specs) are available for general research works for ncsu faculties. Please advise. “
Purchasing Requirement
NCSU released a 3D memo from the CIO and the VC for Finance and Business outlining a new purchasing process for laptop and desktop computers that became policy on November 8th 2010. Here is a link to the memo if you haven’t seen it: http://ncsu.edu/3d-memos/pdf/3dmemo-91.100-new.requirement.for.purchasing.university.computers.pdf
As a reminder, CPI was established based on law enacted by the State Legislature. Use of CPI configurations is mandatory unless proper technical justification is provided. Perversely, acquiring a computer for less money is not an acceptable justification for avoiding the CPI configurations.
The basic facts are these:
1. The new purchasing process is required by law.
2. While the law only applied to purchases with state funds, the University has extended the process to encompass laptops and desktops purchased with any campus funding source.
3. There is a website that describes the process and provides links to the approved list of desktops and laptops available for purchase under the program. The link is: http://oit.ncsu.edu/it-purchases/
4. There is a process in place for keeping the common configurations updated as the technology changes or as needs change. Charles Hunt from my shop is the college’s rep to the committee charged with keeping the configurations up to date.
5. There is an exception process in place that will allow non-standard configurations to be purchased to meet specific, legitimate needs that are not covered by the standard configurations. That process is described in general terms here: http://go.ncsu.edu/oit-cpi-exception-process. There is one primary and one alternate exception approver for the College of Engineering. The primary exception approver is Keith Boswell. The alternate is Charles Hunt.
As described in the exception process document, exceptions are treated in a tiered manner. Minor changes to the standard configurations may be approved at the college level. Requests for exceptions outside of the standard configurations (requesting a machine from a vendor not on the list, for instance) require approval at the university level. In all cases an exception will require specific, technical justification that describes why one of the standard configurations does not meet the needs of the purchaser. Cost of the configurations and/or personal preference of the purchaser are not legitimate justifications for deviating from approved configurations.
Please notice that there is a limit to exceptions. Currently, no more than 20% of our purchases may be exceptions. Purchasing will be generating monthly reports by OUC that will detail all purchases made through the process to include exceptions so we (and University and UNC System leaders) can see how we’re doing in adhering to the requirements of the law. At the end of each fiscal year the UNC System will provide a consolidated report to the legislature to demonstrate our compliance with the law.
6. The consolidated purchase process only applies to desktop and laptop computers at the current time. The CPI committee is currently working on a definition and set of configurations for a “workstation.” At this time, Apple products, scientific workstations (such as Dell Precision machines) and Tablet computers are not governed by CPI and therefore will not require a justification.
Personal Purchases
All personal purchases need to go through the NC State University Employee and Student personal purchase premier page. This page allows you to do the credit card purchases. And this page has better pricing on the consumer models like the Inspirons plus this website will reflect all the same promotions that are running on Dell’s Home Sales website in addition to the 5-12% extra discount you get for being an employee or student at NC State. This premier page is linked from NC State’s Bookstore website at: http://www.dell.com/ncstate/ Note: be warned that the pricing can be confusing — you often have to get to checkout before all of your discounts are shown.
SOC Laptop Program
See ECE 3yr policy.